Interesting Islam



Note: There are a lot more words than those that I am including in this Glossary. However, the ones that are present are the ones that have some relevance to the Chapters following.

The Glossary is split into SIX sections:

1) Arabic Words, 2) English Words, 3) Prophets, Angels and Holy Books, 4) Places, 5) Dates and Events, 6) Sects

Arabic Words:

Akhirah: Muslim Beliefs about Life After Death

Alayhis-Salam (a.s): Literally: Peace be upon him

Al-Aziz: Literal Meaning: The All Powerful. It is one of the Ninety-Nine names of Allah …Al-Jannah: Heaven/Paradise. Literally: The Garden

Al-Qadr: Allah’s control of future events

Aqiqa: The birth ceremony for Muslim children

Ar-Raheem: Literal Meaning: The Compassionate. It is one of the Ninety-Nine names of Allah …Ar-Rahman: Literal Meaning: The Merciful. It is one of the Ninety-Nine names of Allah …Ayah: A verse of the Quran

Bismillah Hirrahma Nirra Heem (a.k.a. Bismillah): Literal Meaning: In the name of Allah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful. These are words, which are present at the start of every Chapter in the Quran, except for Surah Touba

Hadeeth (also spelt Hadith): The sayings and the actions of Muhammad (s.a.w.) as recorded by his family and friends

Hajj: The annual Pilgrimage of Muslims to Makkah. It is the Fifth Pillar of Islam

Halal: That which is permitted or Lawful

Haram: That which is forbidden or Unlawful

Haya: Shame or modesty

Hijab: Hijab is used to describe the headscarf worn by Muslim women

Hijrah: The immigration of the Prophet Muhammad (s) from Makkah to Madinah in 622 C.E.

Imam: A person who leads Salaah prayers

Jahannam: Hell

Janazah: A special Salaah (prayer) used at funerals

Jihad: Struggle against Evil in the way of Allah

Jum’a: Jum’a is the Friday, midday prayer for which Muslim males must attend mosque

Khalifah: Custodian or steward of the world for Allah

Khutbah: A sermon or a Talk by an imam in a mosque

Kuhl: A divorce, which both partners agree to

Mahr: A sum of money placed in Trust for a bride by her husband at the wedding

Niyyah: A prayer of Intention, which begins Salaah

Qiblah: The direction of the Ka’bah in Makkah, which must be faced in Salaah

Ra’kah: A unit of Salaah. (Each time of Salaah has a number of units)

Riba: Any form of borrowing or lending money at Interest

Risalah: Muslim beliefs about the Prophets (s.a.w.)

Saee: Walking quickly between Sa’fa and Marw’ah as part of Hajj

Salaah: The five-times-a-day Ritual Prayer performed by Muslims. It is the Second Pillar of Islam

Sallalahoo-alayhee-wassalam (s.a.w.): May peace and blessings be upon Him

Satr: The areas, which should be covered on both males and females

Sawm: Fasting, particularly in the month of Ramadhan and going without food and drink during daylight hours. It is the Fourth Pillar of Islam

Shahadah: Declaration of the Muslim Faith. It is also the First Pillar of Islam. The words declared in Arabic (as pronounced) are: “la-ilaaha-illallahoo-muhammadurra-soolallah.” These mean: “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (s.a.w.) is the messenger of Allah”

Shariah: Islamic Law based on Quran and Sunnah

Shirk: The sin of regarding anything as equal or partner to Allah (s)

Subhana’Allah’wa’ta’ala (s): Glory be to Allah

Sunnah: The physical practice, example and actions of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.).

Surah: A chapter of the Quran

Talaq: A divorce which only one party wants

Tawaf: Going around the Ka’bah seven times in worship of Allah

Tawhid: Oneness of Allah

Ummah: The worldwide Muslim Community

Wudhu: Ablution. The washing that must take place before Salaah

Zakaah: The tax that Muslims pay for the Poor. It is the third Pillar of Islam

English Words:

Abortion: The removal of a foetus from the womb before it can survive

Adultery: An act of sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than their marriage partner

Agnosticism: Not being sure whether God exists

Assisted Suicide: Providing a seriously ill person with a means to commit suicide

Atheism: Believing that God does not exist

Co-Habitation: Living together without being married

Contraception: Preventing conception from occurring

Contract: A legal document, which specifies the Mahr

Discrimination: The belief that some races are superior to others

Equality: The state of everyone having equal rights regardless of gender, race, class

Euthanasia: Easy and Gentle Death

Extended Family: Children, parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles living together as a Unit or in close proximity

Homosexuality: Sexual attraction to the same sex

Marriage: The condition of a man and a woman legally united for the Purpose of living together and usually having children

Moral Evil: Actions done by humans, which cause Suffering

Multi-Ethnic Society: Many different race and cultures living together as one society

Multi-Faith Society: Many different religions living together in one society

Natural Evil: Things, which cause suffering but have nothing to do with humans

Non-Voluntary Euthanasia: Ending someone’s life painlessly, when they are unable to ask, but you have a good reason for thinking they would want you to do so. Example: Switching off life-support machine

Nuclear Family: Mother, Father and Children living together as a Unit

Paranormal: Unexplained things which are thought to have spiritual causes. For example: Ghosts, Mediums

Prejudice: Believing some people are inferior or superior without even knowing them

Pre-Marital Sex: Sex before marriage

Promiscuity: Having sex with a number of partners without commitment

Prophet hood: The position of being a messenger of Allah

Racial Harmony: Different races or colours living together happily

Racism: Putting prejudice in practice and treating people less favourably because of their race/gender/colour and class

Re-constituted Family: Where two sets of children, stepbrothers and sisters become one family when the divorced parents marry each other

Religious Freedom: Accepting all religions as having an equal right to co-exist

Religious Pluralism: The right to practice your religion and change your religion

Sanctity of Life: The belief that life is holy and belongs to God

Sexism: Discriminating against people because of their gender

Voluntary Euthanasia: The situation where someone dying in pain asks a Doctor to end his/her life painlessly

Prophets, Angels and Holy Books:

Adam (a.s.): The first man and first Prophet of Islam

Ibrahim (a.s.): The Prophet who is connected with much of the Hajj

Injil: The Holy Book of Allah given to Isa/Jesus (a.s.). This is also known as the Bible

Isa (a.s.): The Prophet Jesus

Quran (also spelt Koran): The Holy Book of Allah given to Muhammad (s.a.w.)

Taurat: The Holy Book of Allah given to Musa/Moses (a.s.). This is also known as The Old Testament

Zabur: The Holy Book of Allah given to Dawud/David (a.s.). This is also known as The Psalms


Arafat: A plain near Makkah where Pilgrims confess their sins

Madinah: The city of the Prophet

Makkah: The city where the Ka’bah is and where the Prophet Muhammad (s) was born

Mina: A place near Makkah where pilgrims make the sacrifice

Dates and Events:

10th Muharram: The day when Shi’a Muslims remember the slaughter of imam Hussain (r.a.)

Eid-ul-Adha: The festival of the sacrifice when all Muslims share in the events of Hajj

Eid-ul-Fitr: The festival of breaking the fast, which occurs soon after the end of the month of Ramadhan

Night of Power: The night when Muhammad (s) was given his First Revelation from Allah


Shi’a: Muslims that believe that only Khalifah (Caliph) Ali (r.a.) was Rightly Guided

Sunni: Muslims that believe that all the first four Khalifa’s (Caliphs) after Muhammad (s) were Rightly Guided